Selasa, 04 November 2008

Dinda - Meirza


Venue akad : masjid Al Azhar Pasar Minggu

gw pilih krn dkt bgt sm rumah kelbes gw.Mank gw ga cari tmpt yg wah,soalna yg dtg cm kel aja lagian jg akadna jumat pagi jd yg dtg pst dikit.Tmptna kecil tp ber AC.Cm 1 mgg sblm hr H gw shock gara2 tangga ke lt 2na dibongkar yg kanan,untung yg kiri enggak (kl iya nti gw lewat mana keatasna :p) gw kuatir kl nti bakal kotor gara2 puing2na tp untung pas acara semua bersih.Tdna jg ga akan pake sound system krn speakerna keluar gt,takut ganggu murid2 SD sebelah.Tp untung pas acara gw dpt sound system lengkap & pake speaker dalem donk jd acara gw ga membahana di SD sebelah.Cm gw bete sm CP na,nyante bgt!

Result: 7
preparation: 4

Venue resepsi: masjid Palapa baitus salam Pasar Minggu

lokasi ga terlalu jauh jg dr rmh,dl om gw jg merit disni tp acara malem (tdna pgn malem,tp kel hubby keberatan jdna siang d) nie masjid terkenal dgn ademnya.Tmptna lumayanlah walau ga ada AC,gw c ga kepanasan,tp kt temen2 gw c agak panas.Yg bkn gw bete adalah AC dikamar rias wanita rusak!Jdna pengap.Harga c total2 ga ngelebihin budget.

Result: 8
preparation: 8

Monas catering

nie catering rekomen temen dr WK,gw agak ragu c soalna gw ga pernah liat performnya,tp gw nekat ajalah.Itung2 gw bantu temen gw yg ga jd merit tp udh byr dp ke catering ini,walau cm 50 % dia dpt balik dp na.Pas acara byk yg blg enak makanannya tp kok porsinya dikit bgt ya.Jd gw aja ga dpt makan sisa.Ya gw c + thinking aja,maybe tamu gw emang byk yg dtg ^^ dekor cateringna c bagus sesuai yg gw pengen.Gw pake dokumentasi akad dr monas jg tp ga oke bagi gw.Nasi box akad on time walau gw cm pesen dikit,tetep enak.

result: 7 (dokumentasinya ga pro)
preparation: 8

Bunga2 wedding decor
gw nemu nie dekor dr temen gw & iseng2 aja gw deal.Tp gw puas!Dekorna cantik,dpt bonus byk jg (hari gini hand bouquet gratis!)

result: 9
preparation: 7 (mas agusna sibuk bgt c)

Dokumentasi resepsi: Blitz-qu
punya temen di WK gw dpt harga yg unbelieveable dr dy.Mank c gw hanya dpt file2 foto mentah,jd gw edit ndiri fotona.Tp fotona bagus bgt!Videonya jg sip walau nama gw salah disna,tp sip! CP na mba nur sgt2 baiik bgt.

Result: 8
preparation: 9

Rias pengantin & kel: sanggar yuvilla

pas akad make up na ga bgt!Gw bener2 kyk ditepungin!Glitter mata ga pas,gw jd bete bgt!Bunga di jilbab jg jatoh mulu gw jd ga PD jg.Laki gw jg jd menor,langsung di lap ama kakak iparna :D make up nyokap gw jg ga terlalu rapi jg,apa karna cahayanya kurang pas ngedandanin ya? Tp untung gw & nyokap emang terlahir cantik (silahkan muntah..) jd pas liat hasil fotona qta tetep cantik :D
pas resepsi semua OK,gw akuin smwa perfect kecuali baju hubby gw yg t'nyata kantongna sobek,tp untung ga keliatan.Dandanan c bagus & ga keliatan kl gw ga pake jilbab.

Result: 7 (akadna ogah bgt d)
preparation: 8 (bu kotjona slalu bs diajak diskusi)

Undangan: jerry (musuhna tom,eh bkn..Lakina yully)

nie temen WK jg,gw udh malay cari2 vendor jd gw pasrah aja dibknin undangan sm dy.Hasil c ga sesuai sm keinginan,harga jg kemahalan,tp enakna mereka yg nyamperin gw & dpt lebih byk bgt walau ga sempurna tp seenggakna org ngarti itu undangan.

Result: 6
preparation: 8

Nissa - Anand


Taman Alfa Indah, Ciledug
Pak Simon (owner) - 0811186030, Pak Ruslin - 081319489150
Point: ****

- Service was great. The day before I got married, they arrived at 3 PM for siraman and left around 9.30 PM, after midodareni. At my wedding reception when catering and decor guys were cleaning up, videography crews were also wrapping up, we called for a picture in front of the ice carvings and we got it :D
- Nice album design.
- Affordable price.

- Not much variety of shots while we were greeting guests, most were shot from only one angle.
- Didn't include guest commentaries in the video. I mentioned about the commentaries several days/couple of weeks back but then I forgot to ask for it again :(

Jl. Terusan Sinabung (Arteri Permata Hijau), Simprug Jakarta Selatan
Ph. 7250500
Point: *****

- Nice dressing room! Spacious with marble tiles, a sofa set and large mirrors, clean, well lit and just the right temperature.
- I loved the interior. High ceiling, exquisite chandeliers, stone carving, balcony, high pelaminan -pelaminan paan sih bahasa inggrisnya-, shiny marble, cool temperature with air curtains, the overall color combination seemed classy- off white-ivory with a dash of wood.
- Escalators!
- Everything was well kept and clean.
- The person in charge, Pak Bagyo, was exceptionally nice. He was there the entire time, made sure everything went well, organized the technical meeting, counted the number of guests etc. No extra cost actually but we gave him a tip :)

- Very few direction signs to the venue.
- Ga ada parkir gedung/basement & rada remang2.
- Not so strategic location.

MAKE UP & BUSANA - Riasan Ibu
Jl. Camar, Bintaro Jaya
Mbak Indra: 08129233343, Ibu Puji: 08128632099
Point: *****

- Very reasonable price.
- Very, very friendly, patient, detailed and organized.
- Made me look beautiful (halah!) without having to look artificially made.

Nays:Sure there were some flaws since nothing is flawless, but I can't think of anything serious.

Pak Ruli: 081749047872
Point: **

- Very affordable price.
- They can play the piano and saxophone well.

- Mediocre voice.
- Dangdut-ish attire and they didn't even have their hair done.
- Just because it was a Sundanese wedding reception, they fucking included 'Teung Teuingeun' which literally means 'Tega-teganya', a song about a cheating husband! I told them like a hundred times to stick to my song list!
- Poor customer service. Didn't store my number so they never contacted me first, didn't have a proper payment receipt, hanged up several times when I haven't exactly done talking. Tried to charge more than the initially agreed amount. No wonder they didn't have many orders.
- No email, no bank account, no sample video. Ribet!

CATERING - Alfabet Catering
Jl. Minangkabau 24 Jakarta Selatan
Telepon : 021-829-4465 831-3634
Point: *****

- Delicious! Surely lived up to their reputation
- The buffet was classy.. They have various meat dishes, specialty fried rice, fried shrimp, custard pie with fruits, mMMmMmm...
- Generous portions, melimpah bo..
- Instead of the usual ice carved initials, they offered ice carved frames with our photograph and whole fruits inside. Cute!
- I really liked the decorations and setup.
- Excellent service, helpful and friendly. From what I saw, the crew members were great at cleaning up after the guests and by 9.30 the food leftovers were already packed neatly in plastic boxes.

- 2 of the food stalls (Fish&chips and satay) were set outside the main room, what's up with that? I specifically told them to set everything inside..
- Fruit salad + corn = weird
- I wasn't feeling the yellowish tablecloths, was expecting gold ones.

Jl.Asyiroth No.90 Kebayoran Lama, Kebon Jeruk-Jakarta Barat 11560
Telp. 021 68234438-5491476 - 021 71330314 - 7330315, HP. 0818-811201
Fax. (021) 5361413
Point: ****

- Managed to add pink flowers to the pelaminan (my request heheh) without looking tacky
- Excellent customer service by Mas Arya & Mbak Irma, very friendly, very organized
- Creative, offers lots of ideas
- All flowers are fresh, spotless curtains, elegant looking steel standing frame (not some cheap bocel-bocel wood stand)
- Affordable!

Missed the candle lamps on my pelaminan wall, trisula lamps and fountain. The fountain somehow got replaced by a lil water-flowing bamboo and the lamps were replaced by bigger but fewer standing lamps with flowers. Oh and I thought the pelaminan's background was going to be bigger.

Basement Pasar Tebet
Phone: 8355093
Point: ***

- Affordable
- Lots of design to choose from.
- Invitation layout and design was done quickly
-real handy with softwares. Photo adjustments were done free of charge :)

- Late. Very late. Like 2 weeks late... 2 bridezilla-years late!
- Around 10 didn't pass QA (dirty, glue traces, printing mistakes, miring2 etc)
- Lots of the hardcover are not flat enough so the invitation couldn't be closed properly.
- The printing service is in a market, so yeah it was crowded, I had to wait in line to have my invitation words typed and no, ACnya ga dingin.

Pasar Melawai, ground floor. Kalo dari parkiran basement, naek dulu trus nengok belakang hehe..
Contact : 7247085, 7260676, 7260677
Point: ****

Servis & Pengerjaan :
- Orangnya baek-baek & ramah-ramah, mau jelasin macem-macem..
- Hasilnya rapih, ga bleberan & ga ada cacat.. Sama persis kaya yang kita mau! :D

Cons :
- Cincinnya belom digrafir, harus nunggu dulu.. Yaa gak lama sih, tapi kalo gw lagi buru-buru kan males aja..
- Baru dipake bentar udah baret-baret.. Apa emang gitu ya? Blm konfirmasi ksana sihh..
- Ga garansi seumur idup kaya Frank Duets dll, jadi kalo mo dichrome ulang ya bayar lagi..